Black Sukabumi

Black Sukabumi is an andesite with often ample glass in its structure and containing pyroxene (shiny) crystals. Stone was formed in a volcanic process, so it was cooled often fast at low pressures. For this reason contains particles crystallized at depth mixed with glass and fine grained crystals formed near the surface. The glass and very fine grained dust make the stone compact and pretty difficult to split by hand. Porosity and permeability are moderate, but due to its composition the stone is resistant against fungus and mold. Application, often used for drive ways, terraces, cladding, water features and also as
swimming pool tiles. Low maintenance is one of the key aspects.
Available Sizes
10x10x1.5 cm. / 30x60x2 cm. Other sizes available on request
Recommended Uses
- Driveway & Parking Area
- Pool Coping & Pook Deck
- Flooring & Wall Cladding
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